
Improving Health Worker Mental Health: A Sign of Strength

Improving Health Worker Mental Health: A Sign of Strength

Janet Serwint, M.D. After the phone call, I sat in stunned silence.  I couldn’t believe that my colleague had died by suicide.  A vibrant, passionate, brilliant physician, so full of life and promise.   How could I not have known that she was struggling?  How sad I am...

Bearing Witness

Bearing Witness

Suzie Reed, MD  I stopped by to see a new patient in the hospital, who had a collection of concerning symptoms, but no diagnosis yet.  Several medical teams were consulted to help figure this patient out, including my team.  When I walked in the room, this 9-month-old...



Response to Being Well while Doing Well — Distinguishing Necessary from Unnecessary Discomfort in Training Lisa Rosenbaum, M.D.                                                        AND On Calling — From Privileged Professionals to Cogs of Capitalism? Lisa Rosenbaum,...

Reducing Stigma; Offering Support

Reducing Stigma; Offering Support

Julie Young, PhD A colleague recently asked me how I was doing. Instead of the usual “Fine” or “good, how about you?” response I shared the my TMJ was out of place and it has been really painful. Sleep disruption and decreased ability to chew had increased my stress...

Disappearing Doctors – A Call and a Crisis

Disappearing Doctors – A Call and a Crisis

John D Mahan, MD Blog post adapted from A national initiative to boost awareness of a crisis in modern medicine – the increasing incidence of...

Weeding Your Professional Garden

Weeding Your Professional Garden

Written by: Dr Suzanne Reed I hate weeds.  I love my home and the way beautiful plants and flowers make it look, and then I hate weeds even more: they stand between me and my pretty flowers brightening up my home and yard.  As a busy physician with a working spouse...



Written by: Janet Serwint, M.D. In the following post, Jan walks us through her personal journey of a building a reflective gratitude practice.   She shares her struggles and joys and offers practical ideas you can easily implement! When the COVID pandemic began, I...

Joy in Our Work

Joy in Our Work

Instinct Joy Sullivan I’ve heard elephants think we’re cute but I doubt it. Instead, it's humans who are easily charmed. A species delighted by yellowing leaves and the decency of dogs. We're tender mammals mostly. Trying to keep each other afloat. Scooting earthworms...

Finding Joy

Finding Joy

Small Kindnesses, By Danusha Laméris I’ve been thinking about the way, when you walk down a crowded aisle, people pull in their legs to let you by. Or how strangers still say “bless you” when someone sneezes, a leftover from the Bubonic plague. “Don’t die,” we are...



Many of us are familiar with the quotation, attributed to Lao Tzu, “The journey of one thousand miles begins with one step.” Each one of us participating in STREAM has begun a journey. Ideally, you have thought somewhat about the destination. Are you involved in...

Education is NOT Transformation

Education is NOT Transformation

I hope you are as eager to dive into the STREAM curriculum as I am.  This past week I tuned in, like many of you, to the first of the STREAM on-line programs and have begun working on a ‘wellbeing plan.’ Ironically, or perhaps not, later in the same week I came...



The Chinese character for “crisis” has two parts: one meaning danger and one meaning change point or opportunity. In my own life, my crisis came in young adulthood while I was in medical school, and it was indeed a change point that would set...

STREAM Journey

STREAM Journey

I hope those of you reading this blog post are, like me, looking forward to the beginning of the national STREAM physician training program. Even if you are not planning on joining the program, I hope you might take something away from this little essay. I celebrated...

Addressing the Growing Concern of Doctor Burnout

Addressing the Growing Concern of Doctor Burnout

While it may not be well known outside of health care, doctors experience burnout and other mental health concerns at higher rates than many other professionals. A 2021 survey found that 20% of doctors in the United States were experiencing symptoms of clinical...

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Columbus, OH 43205


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