Improving Health Worker Mental Health: A Sign of Strength

Improving Health Worker Mental Health: A Sign of Strength

Improving Health Worker Mental Health: A Sign of Strength Janet Serwint, M.D. After the phone call, I sat in stunned silence.  I couldn’t believe that my colleague had died by suicide.  A vibrant, passionate, brilliant physician, so full of life and promise.   How...
Bearing Witness

Bearing Witness

Bearing Witness Suzie Reed, MD  I stopped by to see a new patient in the hospital, who had a collection of concerning symptoms, but no diagnosis yet.  Several medical teams were consulted to help figure this patient out, including my team.  When I walked in the room,...


Jenny Reese, M.D. Response to Being Well while Doing Well — Distinguishing Necessary from Unnecessary Discomfort in Training Lisa Rosenbaum, M.D.                                                        AND On Calling — From Privileged Professionals to Cogs of...
Reducing Stigma; Offering Support

Reducing Stigma; Offering Support

Reducing Stigma and Offering Support Julie Young, PhD A colleague recently asked me how I was doing. Instead of the usual “Fine” or “good, how about you?” response I shared the my TMJ was out of place and it has been really painful. Sleep disruption and decreased...
Disappearing Doctors – A Call and a Crisis

Disappearing Doctors – A Call and a Crisis

Disappearing Doctors - A Call and a Crises John D Mahan, MD Blog post adapted from A national initiative to boost awareness of a crisis in modern...