Pediatric Resident Burnout –Resilience Study Consortium (PRB-RSC) and the American Federation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), proposes to addressthe HRSA Health and Public Safety Workforce Resiliency Training Program (HRSA-22-109)with the novel Sustaining and Training for Resilience, Engagement and Meaning [STREAM]program. STREAM is designed to meet all five stated objectives and result at the end of thefunding period in a sustainable cost-effective program, based on solid evidence, that provideseffective mental health and resilience training and service to healthcare professionals.Physicians and residents in training are a high-risk group for suicide, burnout and associatemental health issues including Substance Use Disorders. They tend to work in isolationcompared to other health care workers and this may be exacerbated for those working in ruraland medically underserved areas. Minority physicians face additional stress and burnout risks. STREAM focuses on paired pediatric physician faculty and resident programs with focus onBIPOC physicians and those serving in rural and medically underserved areas.The AFSP Interactive Screening Program (ISP) is a unique evidence-based intervention whichwill be offered at no cost at all sites. The STREAM leadership group are nationally recognizedpediatricians and a psychiatrist who are in experts in their areas and have relationships withstakeholder groups which will help STREAM successfully complete all its goals and objectives.